Saturday 14 October 2017

Term 4: Tourism & Literacy

I am really sorry that I am away.  I was sick for the last part of the holidays and I am still sick.

The next standard is about using literacy skills in a tourism context, reading websites, travel brochures, booking and understanding travel insurance, and generally being fabulous at going on holiday and organising for other people to have fabulous holidays.

Create a new folder within your ENA212 folder.  Call it "Term 4: tourism & literacy."  Inside that folder, create a document called "Tourism & Literacy." In that document make a table of what you know about international and domestic travel, what you want to know and then what you have learnt.  Make it look like the one below:

What I know about tourism, including specialist words:
What I want to know about tourism and travel (could be anything):
What I have learnt today about travel and tourism:

Some questions to help you (decide which column the questions or answers go in for you - it will be different for each person)?

  1. What does 'tourism' mean?
  2. What is 'travel insurance' and why is it recommended?
  3. What is a 'visa'?
  4. What is a 'passport' and why is it required?
  5. What is a 'booking agent'?
  6. What is a 'deposit'?
  7. What is a 'destination'?
  8. What is an 'airport transfer'?
  9. What is the difference between an 'adventure tour' and a 'sightseeing' tour?
  10. What is a target market?
Once you have organised the answers into the first column or the questions into the second column, then I want you to use the dictionary and your online research skills to check your answers, or to find out the answers.  Put the answers into the third column, and put links to the places where you found the answers in the third column as well.

The next stage is to have a look around the Lonely Planet website.  Once, this organisation was all about travel books, which you bought and then used to help you plan your travel.  Now it is web based and highly interactive.  Have an explore, and see what places you would like to go to, and why.  We will do more with the Lonely Planet website on Tuesday.

Make sure I can see work in each of your folders!!

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