Sunday, 5 March 2017

How relevant is your text to your topic & question: three sections

For the 2989 assessment, we all need to decide how relevant our text is to our topic and question
using three key ideas:

1. Usefulness - how useful was the text to you for answering your question?  Give some specific examples.  e.g. My text was partly useful because it gave me a lot of information on the symptoms of depression, but I still don't know about the possible treatments (topic: depression, question: What are the symptoms and treatements for depression?)

2. Credibility - How reliable is this text?  Was it written by experts (if so, how can you tell?) of by someone blogging about their personal opinions?  Did it use statistics and graphs and examples to give thorough information?

3. Currency - How up-to-date is this text?  Can you tell when it was last revised?  How recent is the information in the text and how can you tell?

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