Success criteria:
1. I can collate my paragraph writing on 'Day Trip' into one place.
2. I can identify two visual and two verbal techniques which I have analysed - and finish this if I haven't so far.
3. I can create a conclusion showing my understanding of the important messages (significant ideas) in 'Day Trip'.
Have you written about:
1. The hero cycle in 'Day Trip'
2. The opening scene
3. The dairy scene and the power of silence
4. The first tunnel scene
5. The second tunnel scene
6. The pub scene - taking his clothes off
7. The pub scene - making new friends
8. The final scene
9. The overall message (significant idea) in 'Day Trip'
Model paragraph:
- Describe the technique (with specific examples).
- Explain the effect of the technique (again, very specifically).
- Explain how this example and technique develop a significant idea.
- Explain how the audience is invited to respond.